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Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Day of Foundation Course on Indian Economics: Lecture Delivered on 9 June, 2013

Are the objectives of five year plan mutually consistent? What are the major areas of conflict?

Possible areas of conflict between different objectives in the short run can be noted as follows:

1. Rapid Economic Growth and Employment: The process of economic growth can be accelerated by the use of capital-intensive high technology of production. But this type of technology is generally labour-displacing. Thus a choice made in favour of this type of technology could only be at the cost of employment generation in the economy. Likewise, labour intensive tech niques of production, generally create large employment opportunities. But such techniques are relatively less efficient; more employment may be created only at the cost of possible higher rate of growth.

2. Economic Growth and Equality : If the objective of equity is pursued seriously even by attempting redistribution of wealth and income, it may have diverse effects on the rate of economic growth. The propensity to save of the richer sections of the society is generally higher than the propensity to consume. A redistribution of income and wealth in favour of poor would only mean that the available resources are being diverted from saving to current consumption. Howsoever desirable this diversion may be from the social point of view, it cannot be practiced for long as it would adversely affect the rate of economic growth and this would end up in equal distribution of poverty rather than equal distribution of wealth.

3. Economic growth and balanced regional development: Balanced regional development would require diversion of resources from relatively less developed regions to backward regions. In the former regions, generally, the developed infrastructure is available which adds to the efficiency of the resources. On the other hand, the same amount of investment in backward regions with hardly any infrastructural facilities would result in relatively lower growth; thus, the balanced regional growth can be had only at the cost of efficient utilization of resources.

4. Economic growth and price stability: A gradually rising price level generally results in rising profits, that stimulate private investment. On the other hand, stationary price level will have adverse effect on the rate of profit investment and growth in the economy.

Thus, there appears to be a conflict among the different objectives at least in the short-run; though in the long run, various objectives may  supplement and reinforce each other. In the short run therefore it may be necessary to spell out the “trade offs” among different objectives in various plans.

(For more up-to-date study materials on Indian Economics, please write to

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