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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Analysis of WBCS Prelims questions related to Indian Economy

Analysis of WBCS Prelims questions related to Indian Economy including questions on current affairs of Indian Economy (2006-2010) :
The questions were asked on the following topics:

WBCS Prelims 2010
1.      Industrial Location in West Bengal;
2.      Five Year Plan;
3.      VAT;
4.      Sex Ratio;
5.      SEZ in West Bengal;
6.      Central Indirect Taxes;
7.      India’s crude oil import;
8.      Micro Finance;
9.      Population growth rate in West Bengal Districts;
10.  Community Development Programme;
11.  Current economic events;
12.  FRBM Act;
13.  Foreign exchange in India;
14.  Five Year Plan;
15.  Current economic events;
16.  Density of population in states;
17.  Current Economic Events;
18.  Economic reforms and liberalization;
19.  India’s free trade agreement;
20.  India as a member of international organizations;
21.  Whole sale price index in India;
22.  Current economic events;
23.  Central government disinvestment;
WBCS Prelims 2009
  1. WTO;
  2. Number of districts in West Bengal;
  3. Decentralised planning;
  4. Current economic events;
  5. Density of population in states;
  6. Union Budget;
  7. Sex ratio in different states;
  8. Reserve Bank of India;
  9. India’s GDP;
  10. Five Year Plan;
  11. Union taxes and duties;
  12. Current Economic Events;
  13. Reserve Bank of India;
  14. Planning Commission;
  15. India’s Preferential Trade Agreement;
  16. Current Economic Events;
  17. Navaratna;
  18. DA and Price Index;
  19. National Development Council;
  20. SAARC;
  21. Surge of rupee against dollar;
  22. Reserve Bank of India;
  23. Population in different states;
  24. SEZ;
  25. Current economic events;
WBCS Prelims 2008
1.      Industrial licensing;
2.      Bank rate;
3.      Finance Commission;
4.      Fiscal policy;
5.      Foreign exchange reserve;
6.      Permanent Settlement;
7.      National income;
8.      Second Five Year Plan;
9.      Second Five Year Plan;
10.  Female literacy rate in West Bengal;
11.  Percentage of people below poverty line;
12.  World Bank;
13.  Current Economic Events;
14.  HDI;
15.  Population growth in India;
16.  Birth rate reduction;
17.  Eleventh five year plan;
18.  Silk industry in West Bengal;
19.  Iron and steel plants in Rourkela and Durgapur;
WBCS Prelims 2007
  1. Finance commission;
  2. Number of municipal towns in West Bengal;
  3. AGMARK;
  4. Bonded Labour;
  5. National Commission of Population;
  6. Green Revolution;
  7. Literacy rate in West Bengal;
  8. Largest district in India;
  9. Average size of operational holdings in India;
  10. HDI;
  11. NABARD;
  12. Number of Panchayat Samitis in West Bengal;
  13. Percentage of total area occupied by food grains in India;
  14. Five Year Plan;
  15. Female literacy rates in different districts of West Bengal;
  16. FCI;
  17. Reserve Bank of India;
  18. World Economic Forum;
  19. Number of districts in West Bengal;
  20. Purchasing Power Parity;
WBCS Prelims 2006
1.      LAMPS;
2.      Planning Commission;
3.      Golden Quadrilateral;
4.      First Five Year Plan;
5.      Balwanta Rai Mehta Committee;
6.      SAARC;
7.      ONGC-abbreviation;
8.      TRYSEM--objectives;
9.        Planning Commission Chairman;
10.  Reserve Bank of India;
11.  Euro;
12.  Finance Commission;
13.  Census 2001--Population density in West Bengal;
14.  JRY;
15.  Mid-day Meal Scheme;
16.  Operation Barga;
17.  Community Development Programme;
18.  IRDP—abbreviation;
19.  Liberalisation of Indian Economy;
20.  SEBI-abbreviation;
21.  EPZ in West Bengal;
22.  TRIPS—abbreviation;
23.  Downstream industries;

Major topics of GS Prelims questions related to Indian Economy, including questions on current affairs of Indian Economy (2006-2010):

1.      Census 2001 and 2011;
2.      Basic concepts, statistics and info relating to Indian Economy;
3.      Five Year Plans;
4.      Panchayati Raj Institutions;
5.      Government Policies, Schemes and Community Development Programmes ;
6.      Reserve Bank of India;
7.      Government Committees and their recommendations;
8.      West Bengal Economy;
9.      India and the World—Current Economic Affairs;
10.  International trading blocks—India as a member;
11.  Finance Commission- Centre State Financial Relation-Taxes and subsidies;
12.  Abbreviations;

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